Getting High With Funny Little Alien Movie
One man, two aliens, same buzz.
Riko lives in a small town in the middle of nowhere (Waikato, New Zealand). After aliens crash land near his house, an unlikely relationship develops. They are pursued by a fame-hungry blogger and alientologist who has tracked their movements and plans to reveal all to the world.
Popular reviews
I saw a review comparing this to early Peter Jackson and rented it from my library. No no no. Being from New Zealand and having one gross thing in relation to the aliens, those are the only similarities. A slacker idiot befriends 2 aliens who get high off of vaporizing human shit. It's a one trick pony, they travel around looking for shit. I suppose I feel better knowing that America isn't alone in making really stupid comedies.
Der Loser Riko lebt irgendwo im nirgendwo in Neuseeland bei seiner Tante. Eines Tages stürzt ein UFO im Wald hinter seinem Haus ab. Er findet zwei blaue Aliens die menschliche Exkremente in ihrer kosmischen Haschpfeife rauchen. Sie freunden sich an.
Sinnfreie Komödie-S.F aus Neuseeland von 2018. Der Humor ist genau wie die Charaktere ziemlich platt, aber auf eine kommische Art funktioniert der Film. Langeweile kommt hier nicht auf, weil man macht den Unsinn der hier passiert irgendwie gerne mit. Allso Hirn aus, Film an !!
Sci-fi stoner comedy from New Zealand. With aliens.. I thought this little low budget flick was pretty good, but it just didn't supply the laughs I was hoping for. Sort of reminded me of 'Paul'.. But not nearly as good. I still feel like I might be underrating this somewhat, but maybe not. Enjoyable
Audaciously and gloriously stupid, "Alien Addiction" is nothing more than a stoner gross-out comedy. The story is about a loser who hooks up with two aliens, who are turning earth's resources into vapers, in order to ingest and get high off of. When they change a person's fecal matter into vaper, they discover their best high yet. With the help of their moron human friend, the three set off to enjoy being high as a kite.
For the most part, this is a loud, abrasive, and incredibly over acted gross out comedy. Yet despite my better judgement, I found myself being relatively entertained. The aliens' design (heads that resemble blue anuses on top of skinny pregnant women's bodies) and movement… -
2018 Ranked - Click HERE
What may be advertised as a New Zealand take on the stoner comedy, Alien Addiction, only intermittently entertains, but unfortunately fails to deliver on the laughs, and is yet another addition to the poor category of YouTuber films.
kiwi humour in a bong, with aliens
I think this is one of the best films I've ever seen. It's so SO RIDICULOUS. But I loved it.
But.. I was also on edibles. -
What a silly move. It did make me laugh a bunch here and there, but I just wish it was maybe a tiny bit better by the end.
From the trailer I thought the film was going to be more of a bunch of friends befriend some pot smoking aliens, but it really only just settles on one character dealing wth them, and that's actually a benifit. The lead, Jim Jackson, is hilarious in this. Oh and the aliens don't smoke pot, they smoke poop...Human poop. It sounds immature and it is, but it really opens the film up to some pretty funny potty humour here and there.
The aliens really cracked me up, the way they looked shuffling around…
Paul on poo.
and i mean that in the most generous way because this whole movie is about aliens smoking poo but it's also unabashedly shitty in just about every aspect -
I didn't have high expectations but damn
Kiwi Stoner Comedy with aliens, searching the universe to find that good shit.
Alien Addiction did make me laugh in parts, although I'm not sure how i feel about the aliens smoking actual human shit, Ive never seen it in a film before. Jimi Jackson's Riko did remind me of people I knew growing up, being familiar with that sense of humour helps I think. I did enjoy seeing an alien call someone a "good cunt", which is a term of endearment in NZ. Crack up as. Outside of those things it's pretty much a comedy that could have come out in the early 2000s. Watch it if you're a fan of Kiwi movies, stoner movies or if you're a Kiwi, do your goddamn patriotic duty support all things Kiwi, regardless of how good they are and dont be a fucking egg. You egg.
Hoolllyyyy shit.
This movie is not good, and it is not bad. It cannot be judged by standard markers as it is it's own creature.When I am old, and struggling with dimentia, this movie will haunt me ruthlessly.
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